The images on all covers of the album include Rihanna dressed in black and white looking at the audience and the colours of the covers are also black and white. This shows that the album is darker, moodier and less commercial than her other albums she even said this herself in an interview and also revealed that the album told a story of her life. On the front cover she has her hand over half of her face this could show that she is shy however one of her eyes can be seen and she's looking stern towards the audience. However all of the covers show Rihanna as a strong dominant female with an attitude and this reflects in her music on this album, as she has took it to a different sound and in a different direction to what her music normally is.
The font of the 'R' looks like its been carved in by a knife or some other type of sharp object. This creates a special effect and shows off the edginess of the album. All covers of the album are in black and white this shows that the album is less commercial and reflects the darker sound that Rihanna is trying to create.
Rihanna is usually an R&B artist however the darkness of the cover of this album shows that her genre crosses over into pop and rock and also into other sub genres such as grime and drum and base. She stated this in an interview and also said that she wanted to experiment with different types of music as this is now her fourth album. Also she said that she felt like she was at a certain stage in her career were she had to make a serious album compared to her previous three albums which were fun, upbeat, not taking herself too seriously and full of catchy pop/R&B songs. The singer also announced that the album was like a movie and a life story.